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Vertikaler Markt: Datacenter


ADDERLink Infinity

High Performance IP KVM Powering Real-Time, Pixel Perfect, Control of Devices Anywhere on your Network, Anywhere in the World

Top-selling WLD component: WLD Relay

WLD Relay - a universal WLD (Water Leak Detection) sensor, with one WLD sensing cable input and 2 kinds of outputs, is one of our top-selling products. Here's why.

WLD System Components by HW group

The business of reliable water detection in buildings is about really fast water detection and fast alarming (and alert escalation). To detect water in a building (nearby protected technology) within the first 5-15 minutes costs the end customer tens of hundreds of Euros. If a customer has invested time & money in analyzing where to install the sensing cable for water detection, the communication/alarm escalation must also be properly implemented. This article is about WLD zone devices from the HW group and best practices related to the alerting process.

Difference between Water Spot Detection and WLD Zone Detection

There are two principles for detecting water in remote locations - Spot Detection or Water Leak Detection based on Sensing cable. They cost different amounts of money (hardware & installation), but also give different results. Let's take a closer look.

WLD Sensing Cable: The Heart of the WLD System

Fast & reliable detection of the first drops of water in remote locations is critical for many businesses. Early water leak detection isn't just important for data centers and medical labs, it also saves significant money in industrial facilities, physical archive storage, hotels, museums and more. To bring you reliable & early water leak detection, in HW group we created the sensing cable type A - the heart of the water leak detection system.

Device Disconnected Alert from HWg-Cloud: Long-term reliable monitoring system

A remote monitoring device is useful when it's working. There can be a power cut at the remote site or a connection failure, which means that alerts will not be delivered. To warn you in these moments, all portals (including free can alert you when the remote monitoring device is disconnected.

SMS-GW as a part of the Ecosystem

Not only can it be useful in larger projects with dozens of devices and possibly hundreds of sensors to continuously monitor the environment and have all the alerts in place, but sometimes people simply prefer to get an SMS or phone call from the monitoring device instead of an email.
And we don't judge them - every setup is unique in how the remote site managers prefer to organize their monitoring and alerting in case something goes wrong. That's why HW group produces two versions of the SMS gateway, which we'll talk about in detail.

STE2 Lite / R2 / PLUS - 3 Different Versions for Various Monitoring Applications

How can you easily and efficiently remotely monitor environments (temperature, humidity, air quality, light, etc.) in refrigerators, warehouses, data centers, offices, homes, schools, and industries with cloud-based monitoring capabilities? All these applications can be addressed with the STE2 series. Three different models, each with its own unique features, enable efficient implementation of various environmental monitoring tasks.

Building a Resilient Retail Network

White Paper - Opengear

Building Network Resilience

White Paper - Opengear

OPENGEAR - SD-WAN & Out-of-Band: A Smart Solution

White Paper - Opengear

Security & Resilience In Financial Networks

White Paper - Opengear


White Paper - Opengear

MQTT - Enabling Edge-device Connectivity in the IIoT Era

Although the MQTT protocol has been around for nearly three decades, the design of the protocol
makes it ideal for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications, the latest trend in automation
engineering, MQTT is especially helpful in bringing field-site data to cloud platforms. Read on to
dicover how MQTT can help you overcome the challanges of tranforming a traditional OT
application to an IIoT application.

Simplyfying Connectivity for Predicitve Maintenance

Predicitve maintenance is already proving to be one of the more rewarding uses of the Industrial
Internet of Things(IIoT), creating new oppertunities for businesses to reduce downtime and improve
productivity. For many businesses however, implementing predicitve maintenance has been harder
than expected. We look at ways to simplify connectivity to achieve predicitve maintenance

Five Considerations When Choossing a Wireless Computer for Your IIoT Applications

Wireless connectivity is a key enabler in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications, escpacially in
industries that rely on distributed data acquisition from end devices deployed in remote areas. IIoT
gateway computers with built-in wireless capabilities are providing the computing power and
connectivity options required to make this happen. We discuss fice key things to consider when
choosing a wireless computer for your IIoT applications.


How to Enable IIoT Connectivity for Virtual Power Plants

In the new power economy, virtual power plants (VPPs) are showing the way by making it possible to
aggregate power from various distributed energy resources, providing and efficient platform for green
energy trading. We discuss the key challanges faced by VPP operators and how IIoT connectivity can
help them overcome these challenges

BBC Studio Control

Adder Technology and IPE Systems Ltd complete major new radio studio project in Manchester. ADDERLink INFINITY delivers studio control.


Adder?s KVM over IP Solution Enables Global Computer Management

IPE Audio Systems

Together with Adder, IPE (Independent Project Engineering) have solved the problems (noise, heat and space) for their clients, including a national broadcasting institution.


Adder?s high performance KVM solution was identified as the best suited equipment to deliver the performance, reliability and flexibility required for studios and users separated by large distances.

Smart Remote Monitoring

Smarter devices at the network edge

T-Mobile Retail Service

The new T-Mobile ‘Retail Service’ concept to be launched in T-Mobile stores across the Netherlands

The Farm Group

Its Soho site incorporates four buildings which house various configurations of editing and effects suites, audio studios, and various other creative technical equipment which needed to be linked together and enable a variety of talent to use them.

VRT (Flemish Radio & Television)

VRT?s Outside Broadcast Vehicles therefore need to be fitted with specialist equipment to extend KVM (keyboard,monitor, mouse) signals, allowing a monitor to be located outside as required

HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland)

Adder?s KVM Solutions Fuel Management of the Largest Financial Data Center in Europe

Lisbon Airport

The previous control centre housed all of its computers and equipment in the same room.

Odysseum Köln

Odysseum Köln, an interactive museum featuring X50 KVM extension to enable hands on learning and discovery.

Ontario Provincial Police

Dual head switching and extension for police forces.

Money Mart

Leading Financial Services Provider Keeps Money Moving with ReliableWireless Backup from Sierra Wireless

West Metro Fire Protection

West Metro Fire Protection District Increases Bandwidth for Advanced Technologies
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