Product Discontinuance Notification - PDN 0000410971
May 20, 2024

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Produktänderungen > Product Discontinuance Notification - PDN 0000410971
May 20, 2024

Product Discontinuance Notification - PDN 0000410971
May 20, 2024

We would like to inform you that Moxa is going to make changes to the UC-8580 Series.

These changes will be implemented by May 2024.

Please review the details below to determine how these changes will affect your products and/or operations.

What will change?

We will implement changes across the entire UC Series in response to the ban on Micron components in China. The changes include substituting Winbond DDR for Micron DDR and the related Bootloader and EEPROM adjustments to support the Winbond component.

The following changes will be implemented in the new versions:

  • Winbond DDR replaces the Micron DDR.
  • EEPROM changes to support the new Winbond component.

  • Bootloader changes to support the new Winbond component.

Note this change is a minor adjustment in DDR parameters to ensure the new component can operate smoothly. This will not affect the customer's application.

Which products will be affected?

Product Name    Current Version       New Version   
UC-8580-LX V1.1.0 V1.1.1
UC-8580-T-LX V1.1.0 V1.1.1
UC-8580-Q-LX V1.1.0 V1.1.1
UC-8580-T-Q-LX V1.1.0 V1.1.1
UC-8580-T-CT-LX V1.1.0 V1.1.1
UC-8580-T-CT-Q-LX     V1.1.0 V1.1.1

When will the new versions be available?

Product Name    New Version       Available for Order   
UC-8580-LX V1.1.1 Available Now
UC-8580-T-LX V1.1.1 Available Now
UC-8580-Q-LX V1.1.1 Available Now
UC-8580-T-Q-LX V1.1.1 Available Now
UC-8580-T-CT-LX V1.1.1 Available Now
UC-8580-T-CT-Q-LX     V1.1.1 Available Now

If you have any questions, please contact Amily YH Wu at,
or contact your regional sales representative.

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