Product Change Notification - PCN 001050
June 19, 2024

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Produktänderungen > Product Change Notification - PCN 001050
June 19, 2024

Product Change Notification - PCN 001050
June 19, 2024

We would like to inform you that Moxa is going to make changes to the 45ML-5401 Series.

These changes will be implemented by July 1, 2024.

Please review the details below to determine how these changes will affect your products and/or operations.

What will change?

Changes will be made to the 45ML-5401 Series to comply with ATEX and Class 1 Division 2 certifications.
The scope of the changes includes adding the certification marks and safety instructions.

The following changes will be implemented on the new versions:
  • The certification marks and information are added to the product label.
  • The safety instructions and the logo of ATEX are added to product's QIG.

Which products will be affected?

Product Name    Current Version       New Version  
45ML-5401 Series    V1.0.0 V1.0.1

When will the new versions be available?

Product Name    New Version       Available Date   
45ML-5401 Series    V1.0.1 July 1, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact,
or contact your regional sales representative.

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