HW group 100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI

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Products for Solutions > Environnmental Sensors > HW group 100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI

HW group 100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI

100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI can measure DC current of up to 100A (30A) using a shunt.

HW group 100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI
  • PropertiesProperties
  • DescriptionDescription
  • Further InformationsFurther Informations
  • 0-100A current measurement using a split-core transducer
  • Measurement without disconnecting the measured circuit
  • Electrically isolated
  • Quick and easy installation

100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI can measure DC current of up to 100A (30A) using a shunt. The shunt is connected directly into the measured circuit. The sensor is suitable for monitoring the power input of Telco cabinets or BTS stations, or for monitoring battery charging.

Together with a Poseidon2 or HWg-Ares unit, it can serve as an early warning system in case of overload or current direction change (charge/discharge). 100A (30A) DC Current probe 1W-UNI consists of a shunt and a 1-Wire converter.

The sensor is suitable for electrical current monitoring in 12 V / 24 V or -48V DC powered systems. Together with a Poseidon2 or Ares units, it is suitable for detecting overcurrent or monitoring current direction for example in:

  • High-capacity UPS’s
  • Telco devices
  • Railway applications


  • The shunt is connected into the path of the monitored current, regardless of polarity.
  • The “+” pole of the converter corresponds to the more positive voltage (e.g. the power source side). The converter indicates a positive value when the current flows from the positive pole to the negative one. The reverse direction is indicated by a negative value (battery charging “+”, discharging “-”).
  • The shunt is connected to the 1-Wire UNI converter with a 1 m two-wire cable. This length is fixed.
  • For higher accuracy, the shunt and the 1-Wire UNI converter are matched and cannot be freely exchanged.


Basic features

  DC Current probe 1W-UNI 100A 30A
  Current range 0-100 A DC 0-30 A DC
  Shunt resistance/voltage drop at max. current 0,6 mOhm / 60 mV 2 mOhm / 60 mV
  Measurement accuracy 2 %
  Resolution 0,1 A
  Electrical isolation The 1-Wire UNI bus is electrically isolated from the measured circuit
  Measured voltage Max. 60V
  Cable length between the shunt and the converter 1 m
  Power Bus-powered (1-Wire UNI) – max. 2 sensors per active port
  Interface 2× 1W-UNI for daisy-chaining
  Connection Poseidon2 and Ares devices
   Environment Indoor use

  Name   Description
   100A DC Current probe 1W-UNI    0 to 100 A DC Current Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
  30A DC Current probe 1W-UNI   0 to 30 A DC Current Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
   Sensor 0-20mA 1W-UNI    4 to 20 mA DC Current Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
  Sensor 4-20mA 1W-UNI    0 to 20 mA DC Current Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
   30A Current probe 1W-UNI    0 to 30 A AC Current Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
   Sensor 60V 1W-UNI    0 to 60 V (-48 V) Voltage Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
   Sensor 230V AC 1W-UNI    100 to 250 V AC Voltage Probe for the 1-Wire UNI bus.
  All Poseidon2 and Ares models, Poseidon 4002 and 2250.
  Power Egg2    110 to 230 V AC voltage detector and control for DI.
  All models Poseidon2, Damocles2, Damocles, Ares and STE2.
   Power Detector 110 / 230 V    110 to 230 V AC voltage detector for DI.
  All models Poseidon2, Damocles2, Damocles, Ares and STE2.

Package contents

A complete shipment contains the following items:

  • measuring shunt
  • 1-Wire UNI converter
  • printed manual

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